- You must read and sign a waiver and check-in before you start your ride.
Every rider will be given a plate number and a goodie bag.
- If you do not have a plate number you will not be allowed on the course.
- All participants must wear a helmet at all times during this event.
- Be helpful to your fellow riders, if you see someone having trouble offer assistance.
- There will be several “token” stations on the course where riders will be required to stop and take on a “token”. Each rider is required to check in at each “token” station. At the Finish you must have the allotted number of tokens to show you have completed the entire course. Riders are responsible for collecting the “tokens” and getting them to the Finish Line. No tokens, no awards.
- There will also be cut-off points on the course which will eliminate riders proceeding at a rate too slow to complete the entire course in the allotted time. If you reach one of these points after the trail has been closed, the Course Marshal will direct you to the shortest route back to Oden. These "cut-off" times are for rider/volunteer safety so obey the Course Marshals, ride hard and have fun.
Schedule of events
Race sign in Friday 5:00pm to 8:00 pm
Pre-event Rider Meeting Race at 7:45 am
The Race starts at 8:00 am Saturday.
Sunday breakfast 6:30am to 9:30pam
Gravel sign in Sunday 6:00am to 9:45 am
Pre-event Gravel Meeting Race at 9:45 am
Gravel starts at 10:00 am Sunday.
These times are designed to give each rider an opportunity to ride safely as far as he/she can, and to allow a rider to repair a mechanical problem early in the race and still finish.
Ride hard and have fun!
F.S.92/WOMBLE 3:00 P.M. RACE
Gravel Race
No cutoff times
When you have finished your ride, whether you have completed the course or if you have had to take one of the short cuts, PLEASE report to the officials at the Finish Line. We need to know that you are back safely.
- Can I supply mechanical support to my racer?
- Can I supply drink and food to my racer?
- If my racer needs a ride back to the school because of bike breakdown or fatigue, can I do that?
Yes, just let the course marshals know the name and number.
- Can I supply support to others besides my racer?
Yes, just follow the above guidelines.
Aid Stations will be at:
- Big Brushy Parking Lot
- Fiddler Creek
- Highway 298 Parking Lot
- Womble Trail at F.S. 92
- F.S. 92 at the Womble Trail (second time by this site)
All Aid Stations will have:
- Water
- HEED, fruit, peanut butter sandwiches, cookies and pickles
- Bike repair items
- First Aid Kit
- Volunteers will be working to get riders in and out as rapidly as possible.
Drop Bags:
Personal Sag/Individual Support is not allowed, but a Drop/Pick-up zone will be provided for ALL riders.
Marked one gallon bags will be provided at Registration for any special food, clothing, or equipment. These will be taken to a marked Volunteer vehicle before the Start and will be delivered to Sims, approximately halfway on the course. You may leave any extra clothing or equipment there and it will be returned to the Finish area.
Walk-in Access
Spectators may view the riders on the Womble Trail, at a site 3/4 mile from Mauldin Meadow. Park your vehicle in the lot on FS Road 37 and walk to the trail (approximately mile 40 of the 60 mile course). The safest place to view the road portion of the event is probably Sims. Spectators would have to find a place to park out of the way of participants and local residents. Please be careful.
Please help us ensure the riders’ safety by following these rules. Official vehicles only on the Course.
The OC Staff reserves the right to alter the course due to inclement weather or for any other safety reason.
Proceed across highways with caution. Marshals will be posted at these areas but WILL NOT be stopping vehicle traffic.
The Course will be marked with BLUE/RED arrows. Please be aware that most roads have multiple names. For example, most roads have a county name and a forest service number. We have noted at least one of these names.
From the Oden school:
Alternative start #1
- Head East on Highway 88 for 100 yards
- Turn left (North) on to road 536-next to the store
- continue on 536(Brushy Road) passing Brushy Church and crossing Brushy Creek
- Turn left on FR(JO) 6 and continue(SOUTH) to FR 48
- turn right (West) on 48
- follow FR 48 to the Ouachita Trail
- Turn right onto the Ouachita Trail
Alternative start #2
- Head west on Highway 88.
- Turn right onto Forest Road (FR) 48 just past the Oden Ranger Station.
- Follow FR 48 staying left at the junction with J-06 (FS 6).
- Continue on FR 48 to the Ouachita Trail (OT) junction and turn right.
- Follow OT to FR6 and turn left
- Follow FR6 to the OT about 60 yards past Brushy Creek Bridge and turn right.
- Follow OT to Hwy 270 and turn right.
- Follow Hwy 270 for 200 yards and turn left onto the OT at the end of the guard rails.
- Follow OT and veer right across FR 33 to continue on OT.
- Follow the OT to FR 274 and turn left.
- Follow FR 274 and turn right onto the OT.
- Follow the OT to FR 149 and turn right.
- Follow FR 149 to Rainey Creek Rd
- Follow Rainey Creek road (do not take the right turn FR562) to Sims Loop rd and turn right (Road 2262).
- Follow the paved road through Sims and the Sims Fire Station
- Turn left on Highway 88, go South to the intersection of 88 and 298
- Stay right on Highway 298 crossing the Ouachita River
- Continue on 298 to the 298 Parking lot area
- (this will be a very congested area on the days of the events so be alert and follow the directions of the race officials)
- Riders will be directed across Highway 298 onto Road 568 toward Fulton Branch Campground
- Continue on 568 to FS 2291 stay right
- Turn right on to the Womble Trail
- Follow the Womble Trail West back to the Highway 298 Parking lot (AID STATION)
- Race officials will direct you across Highway 298 and continue West on the Womble trail
- Follow Womble trail crossing Highway 270, FR 922 , FR92 over Gaston Mtn to FR 68
- Turn right on FR 68 then left on FR 74 toward North Fork Lake
- At North Fork lake take the Womble trail North back to FR 68
- Turn right (East) on FR68 continue to the junction with FR92
- Turn left (North) on FR 92 continue North crossing the Womble trail and continue on FR92 and County Road 379 to Highway 88 and Oden School
2021 Update to the Rules
- Can I supply mechanical support to my racer?
- Can I supply drink and food to my racer?
- If my racer needs a ride back to the school because of bike breakdown or fatigue, can I do that?
Yes, just let the course marshals know the name and number.
- Can I supply support to others besides my racer?
Yes, just follow the above guidelines.
The Ouachita Challenge is held in a "dry county" (no alcohol sales).
Also, the Oden Schools are a drug free environment.
Please respect these rules.
Be aware that we have a concussion awareness policy.
Please see following link for more information on concussions:
Schedule of Events:
- Saturday Morning - 6:00 am to 7:45 am- Breakfast of pancakes, cereal, bread, fruit, coffee etc. for Gravel riders and families- no charge for paid participants, their families, and Volunteers.
- Saturday Night - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm- Dinner of High-Carb main dish, salad, drinks and dessert for riders and their families- no charge for paid participants, their families, or Volunteers.
- Sunday Morning - 6:00 am to 7:45 am- Breakfast of pancakes, cereal, bread, toast, fruit, coffee, etc for Race riders and their families- no charge for paid participants or Volunteers.
There will be a pre-event meeting at 7:45 am each day for final instructions.
Both the Gravel and the 60 mile Race will have 4 Aid/Food Stations which will provide water, energy drinks, fruit, energy bars, cookies, etc. as well as first aid supplies. PLEASE eat and drink; we want you to finish!.
Sign in for the Gravel will be on Friday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm and on Saturday from 6:00 am to 7:45 am. Both will be at the Oden School Cafeteria.
Sign in for the Race will be on Saturday from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and on Sunday from 6:00 am to 7:45 am. Both will be at the
Oden School Cafeteria.
Remember both the Gravel and the 60 mile Race start at 8:00 am
If you must sign in on the morning of your event please allow adequate
Miscellaneous Info:
If you arrive in the Oden area without a motel reservation or campground space, there will be sleeping space available in the gym.
It will be open from early evening until 7 a.m. You will need a sleeping bag, pad, towel and good humor.
The gym will also be available for showers. Bring your own soap, shampoo etc. A small donation is requested (at least $3.00) for these services. All proceeds go to the school athletic fund.
Go Timberwolves!
Hours of operation and use rules will be posted at the gymnasium.
PLEASE show your appreciation of this wonderful service by obeying all rules!